Am I Right
About You?

Dear Reader,

Hi, Robert Kiyosaki here.

In the next few days my team and I will show you how you could click your mouse once a week…

And walk away with income ranging from $840… $4,540… and even as much as $10,600…

Regardless if stocks go up, down or sideways.

It’s really simple…

You just place a simple high-probability trade (sometimes in the 90% range)…

And when it ends inside what I call “the cash flow zone,” you get paid.

Rinse and repeat.

You could do this…

Every. Single. Week.

Now, I’m going to assume you’re not making that kind of money on a weekly basis…

Am I right?

If I’m, don’t worry.

Most people are not.

So if you’re struggling with money… if you’re stuck in a job you hate…

If you’re a baby boomer like myself but still haven’t secured the retirement of your dreams…

It’s not your fault.

It’s not because you haven’t saved enough or because you’re bad with money.

It’s because you’ve just been fed the wrong information.

You’ve been told to work hard, save money… live below your means… invest in a 401k…

Then when you retire, you should lower your standard of living.

That’s crazy advice.

Why would anyone want to live life in a lower standard?

I don’t want to lower my lifestyle just because I’ve retired.

It makes no sense.

This traditional financial advice basically guarantees you’ll be stuck in the rat race, working 9 to 5 your entire life… only to retire poor.

The truth is most Americans have been brainwashed by our failing education system, greedy Wall Street and the corrupt mainstream media.

They tell you, “Hey, this investing stuff is really complicated. Why don’t you just give me your money and I’ll manage it for you.”

And they’ll take a big cut of your money every year, even if they lose your money.

It’s theft.

It’s a big Wall Street scam that steals money from millions of everyday folks who don’t know better.

That’s why my team and I are on a mission to tell everyone about this cash flow zone strategy.

I mean, they want you to think you’re not capable of using this strategy…

Even though it’s so simple anyone can do.

You place a trade with a click of a button and if it finishes inside the zone, you get paid.

What can be simpler than that?

And here’s what’s really shocking…

While they tell you to put your money in failing 401ks and other “buy and hope” strategies that never work…

A lot of the pros on Wall Street are using this same type of strategy to make a fortune.

One of my friends told me his corporate clients have used it to make millions.

Can you see now how the game is rigged?

But that rigged game ends on November 14 at 1:00 p.m. EST

Because for the first time ever, I’m going live with all the details of this cash flow zone strategy.

Look, maybe you’re a bit like me and you’re asking yourself…

“What can I do?
I’m just a little guy.”

Trust me… I’ve been in your shoes.

I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth.

At the lowest point of my life-in the mid 1980s- I was homeless, broke, and desperate.

My wife Kim and I even had to live in our car for 3 weeks.

So I once considered myself “the little guy fighting a rigged system.”

In fact, it was that very specific question I mentioned above that changed my entire life...

I Explained Everything in My TED Talk.
Click Below to Watch It.


Robert Kiyosaki
America’s #1 Personal Finance Author

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