What’s Your
Wealth Ratio?

Dear Reader,

Do you know what’s the two most important words in the investment world?

If you don’t understand these two words, you will never achieve financial freedom.

Unfortunately, they don’t teach this in school.

And Wall Street and the mainstream media never talk about it either.

But it’s so important that I recorded a video for you at the bottom of this page…

Where I reveal these two important words that could change your life.

So please make sure you watch it.

But before you get to that…

I want to tell you about something very important I wrote in my book Retire Young Retire Rich…

A formula that can guarantee financial freedom.

This is the key to getting out of the rat race…

The key to spend your golden years living the retirement of your dreams.

I call it the wealth ratio…

Because if your ratio is above 1, you’ll achieve financial freedom. Guaranteed.

Here’s the formula:

Wealth Ratio = (Passive Income + Portfolio Income) divided by Expenses.

Your goal should be to have a wealth ratio above 1.

You see, passive income is income from real estate… where you just collect money from your tenants.

And portfolio income is income from your investments, like the cash flow zone strategy we’ll be covering in our Weekly Cash Flow Summit.

The key here is…

Unlike earned income, where you actually have to work at a job…

You do NOT have to work a 9-5 job to collect passive or portfolio income.

Here’s why that’s important…

If you can generate enough cash from those sources to cover all your expenses, your wealth ratio will be above 1…

And that ultimately means you’ve achieved financial freedom…

Because you no longer have to work to be able to pay all your living expenses.

Everything will be taken care of from those two sources of cash flow, passive and portfolio income.

So ask yourself…

Are you getting enough passive and portfolio income right now to cover all your expenses?

If not, don’t worry.

Most people are NOT…

Because most people have been brainwashed by our flawed educational system…

And duped by greedy Wall Street and corrupt mainstream media.

But like I said… Don’t worry.

In our Weekly Cash Flow summit, you’ll discover the investing power of the cash flow zone…

An obscure technique that can help collect $840… $4,540… and even as much as $10,600 every week… with a click of a mouse…

Regardless if stocks go up, down or sideways.

Imagine how your life would change if you had that kind of money coming in… week in and week out...

All your money worries could vanish for sure, right?

That’s why I’m so excited for you.

***We’re going live Wednesday, November 14 at 1:00 p.m. EST.

I’ll be telling you more about the cash flow zone in the coming days.

But for now…

Please watch my video below…
where I reveal the two most important words
in the Investment World


Robert Kiyosaki
America’s #1 Personal Finance Author

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