You’re in on Friday. You’re out on Monday.

The "Weekend Profits" Podcast

LIVE Special Edition of The
James Altucher Show

You’re in on Friday. You’re out on Monday.

The “Weekend Profits” Podcast

LIVE Special Edition of The James Altucher Show


The Day I Felt Like a Complete Idiot
(and What I Learned from It)

Dear Reader,

A broker called up in the Fall of 1998 and suggested I buy a stock. I remember it. Intel. INTC.

I had all my money in an account with him. I said, “ok”.

A few minutes later he called me back and said, “Sell it.” I said “ok”.

I made $1,000.

I couldn’t believe it! I made $1000 in what seemed like less than a minute.

It felt like I had made it before I even had it. It was like a magic spell was cast on me.

Now I wanted to buy more stocks. I thought I was a genius because I had built a company and sold it for a lot of money.

If I could do one thing smart, why not everything?

I even looked smart! Curly hair and glasses. And I played chess. And had sold a company.

So why shouldn’t I be automatically a genius at stocks.

Before this, I KNEW NOTHING about stocks. I had a web design company that employed mostly painters and artists and graphic designers.

Before that I worked at HBO where I interviewed prostitutes and before that I was a computer programmer.

I read a lot of fiction and would write a lot. I wanted to be a novelist when I “grew up”.

But I started buying and selling stocks. Every day. Morning, day, and night.

I still knew nothing. The only thing I thought I knew was: I am a genius and nobody will stop me.

Positive thinking is a very dangerous drug.

I remember one morning, my wife was in the doctor’s office getting that scan where you find out the sex of your kid.

I was out in the hallway shouting in joy because I had made a million dollars in, again, what felt like a time travel machine.

I didn’t care about anything.

Sex of baby. Buying a house. Flying a helicopter to play poker. Getting another house on the beach. Buying art.

Heck, my 0 year old baby had a two story bedroom in the middle of Manhattan.

I didn’t care about any of that. I only wanted to make more money.

And then when Internet stocks started to collapse, I doubled down and then tripled down.

I kept buying more and more stocks. I mortgaged my apartment. I borrowed.

I lost everything.

That loss was very painful. And I felt like a complete idiot.

But it changed me. It taught me a very important lesson.

It’s very easy to feel like a genius during a bull market, like the one we’re having right now.

But the truth is markets not always go up.

Crashes happen.

Like it happened in 2000 and in 2008.With stock market going up almost every day, some people are starting to forget what happened in the last two crashes.

When the next stock market crash comes, they will be like a deer caught in the headlights.

They’ll lose everything again.

And they’ll NEVER have a chance to retire with enough money.

If you don’t prepare, that could be you.

In fact, if you’re just following a buy and hold strategy, you will get caught in the next crash… with 100% certainty.

That’s another reason why I love Tim’s weekend strategy.

You’re in on Friday.

You’re out on Monday.

And because the markets are closed on the weekends…

The chance of you getting caught in a huge market crash is ZERO.

You’re in.

You’re out.

And your hard-earned money will never become that deer caught in the headlights.

I’m only saying this because I’ve seen some of Tim’s weekend trades.

I’m talking about real trades, not some fake back-tested examples.

For example, on a quiet Friday afternoon at precisely 2:24 pm…

Before going away for the weekend, Tim opened a simple weekend trade on shares of Parametric Sound Corp.

When he came back to check his account on Monday morning, he was $9,518 richer!

And his money was never exposed to long-term market volatility.

Or look what happened with shares of a small biotech firm called 22nd Century Group.

Tim followed the same three simple steps…

  • Step #1: He placed one trade on Friday…
  • Step #2: He forgot about the trade and enjoyed the weekend with his family.
  • Step #3: He collected his weekend profits on Monday.

In this case, he cashed out with $8,780.

Not bad for a weekend, right?

Sometimes you might even walk away with more money than most people make in an entire year.

When Tim placed a simple trade on shares of Ekso Bionics on a Friday, he didn’t know what to expect.

He just placed a trade on Friday and went on a cruise for the weekend.

When he came back on Monday, he closed the trade and walked away with an unbelievable fortune of $69,962.

Isn’t that incredible?

That’s more money than most Americans make in an entire year.

And he made it all in one weekend…

With little effort.

Tune in this Wednesday at 1:00 P.M. EDT

Can you see now why I invited Tim to join me in this special edition of my podcast?

With Tim’s strategy, you’re in and out so fast that there’s no time for you to get caught in a crash.

So imagine protecting your nest egg against the coming crash…

While at the same time collecting a small fortune on the weekends.

This strategy is so safe that the government allows you to do it inside your IRA.

All you need to do is set up a payout opportunity on Fridays…

Then you’ll have a chance to collect $1,000s on Mondays.

There’s only one requirement: You need to have an open-mind.

That’s why this isn’t for everyone.

Tune in tomorrow and I’ll explain why this might not be right for you.

P.S. In yesterday’s email I showed how this brand-new way of making money on the weekend could help you quit that job you hate…

Or help you generate more retirement income on the weekends.

Think about it…

Making $1,000s on the weekend would eliminate money worries for most Americans,


Tune in Wednesday, June 27… precisely at 1:00 P.M. EST… and you’ll find out all the details on this brand-new way of getting income on the weekends.

I promise you’ve never seen anything like it.