You’re in on Friday. You’re out on Monday.

The "Weekend Profits" Podcast

LIVE Special Edition of The
James Altucher Show

You’re in on Friday. You’re out on Monday.

The “Weekend Profits” Podcast

LIVE Special Edition of The James Altucher Show


Could this be the Solution to America’s Retirement Crisis?

Dear Reader,

The American middle class is dead.

I’ve been writing about this for years now.

It’s a big reason why I wrote my best-selling book, Choose Yourself.

And the trend is not going to change.

In fact, most Americans are worse off than their parents were 50 years ago.

That’s not just my opinion.

This comes from a study by the National Bureau of Economic Research.

Tons of Americans are still stuck in a cubicle job they hate with no hope for a better future…

And the situation for baby boomers may be even worse.

When it comes to retirement, they tell you to save money for 30, 40 years…

Compound your wealth during decades…

Then you might have a chance of retiring with enough money.

But when you’re in your 30s and 40s…

You got tons of bills to pay… mortgage… your kids tuition…feed your family, etc…

So how are you supposed to give your family the good life they deserve while still saving enough for retirement?

No wonder a recent survey found that more than half of Americans have less than $10,000 saved for retirement.

And one in three having nothing saved. Zero!

Not to mention that the average Social Security benefit of about $1,400 is an absolute joke.

Good luck paying all your living expenses and medical bills with that pittance.

But what if you could make some extra retirement income on the weekends without doing any busywork?

What if you could make enough to quit that job you hate?

What if in a single weekend you could collect up to 10 times more than the average social security monthly benefit… or 10 times your current paycheck?

And what if you could set up payout opportunities on Fridays… enjoy your weekends… and collect your easy cash on Mondays?

That’s what Tim will show you when we go live on Wednesday, June 27 at 1:00 P.M. EDT.

Of course, only you can decide if this weekend strategy is right for you…

But if you’re looking for a brand-new way of making money each weekend…

I can’t think of an easier and more reliable way.

As Tim told me on the phone…

“You’re in on Friday.

You’re out on Monday.”

This strange weekend anomaly in the stock market has already made him and a small group of his friends a fortune.

Tim even emailed me some examples.

Tune in tomorrow, and I’ll show you how Tim made $9,518 in shares of parametric Corp in one weekend…

$8,780 in shares of 22nd Century in another weekend…

And even an unheard of $69,962 in shares of Ekso Bionics, also on a weekend.

For now though, just imagine if that happened to you.

It already happened to Tim and some of his friends.

That means it could happen to you too.

That’s why I invited Tim for this very special edition of my podcast.

Even better…

With this strategy, you’ll never have to worry about getting wiped out in a market crash again.

Tune in tomorrow and I’ll explain why this strategy could not only put $1,000s in your pocket on the weekends…

But also help protect you against the next market crash.

Talk to you tomorrow.