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Daily Sneak Peek

The "Silicon Valley Loophole" Webinar
Day #4: Wow! Imagine this...

Jennifer MillerHey, it’s Jennifer…  

And boy, do I have something controversial to show you today! 

It involves one of you here on this list… a bathtub… a video camera… and one heck of a story about what you’d spend your $100,000 on! More on that shocking video in a moment. 

First, James and I are absolutely blown away at the amount of feedback we have coming in on his bold 1,000% guarantee… 

Remember, join us during the event on June 8th at 1pm, and… 

James is willing to guarantee that you will see how to make 1,000% returns on your money before the end of 2017. 

Here’s the deal… 

Ever since you signed up for James' Silicon Valley 10x webinar -- which goes live on Thursday at 1pm! -- we've been asking for you to share what you'd do if you could make 10x your money.

For simplicity, we asked you to imagine turning a starting $10,000 stake into an extra $100,000.

What would you do with the money?

It's clear from your feedback that this event will be truly historic…

Even life changing.

We have hundreds and hundreds of video testimonials...

And more than 5,530 of you have written in with your dream scenarios!

Your feedback has James and me geared up to reveal all the details behind his secret. It couldn't be more motivating for James!

Today, I'd like to to share with you what your fellow readers are saying, so you can see how life changing this could be for you.

I want to show you the impact that James' bold guarantee is already having on people around the world!

With an extra $100,000 I would reinvest the money right back into the source of those funds, to make $3,000,000, then retire to fulfill my plan for helping my family and friends achieve financial wealth and freedom, and I can't wait to start that! ~ Stephen
I would buy a house and get married and go see my family because I haven't seen them for along time. ~ Rmad
I just want the American dream that everyone else has if I can just have a half a percent of a million dollars I'll be content ~ Julio
spend 10%, invest the rest ~ Reader from Greece
help people in Appalachia dig out of poverty..... ~ Wallace 
Pursue other life passions and create lasting wealth. Get rid of student loans so I don't feel obligated to stay strictly in my field. ~ Daphne 
I would pay of my visa cards pay off my sister and invest in the stocks you recommend to me ~ Chris 
I would use the money to supplement my income, pay off debts and medical bills. I just recently became a widow with the unexpected lost of my husband. Not looking to get filthy rich but would like to ease the stress of my financial situation. ~ Darlene 
I would reinvest all of the 100,000.00 dollars ! Allen
Spend it on debt and landscaping/interior refreshing. ~ Will 
I would retire, since I am still working now at the age of 68. ~ Billy 
I would use it to up-grade our condominium at Orange Beach, Alabama ~ Frank 
I would spend $25,000 to buy my dream corvette which is a custom built Mako Shark. Then I would buy my dream home for $45,000 cash in North Carolina. With the balance I would reinvest in the markets under your guidance, with a little going into the Marijuana stock market. When making more money I would then share the information with my family and friends. ~ Chris 
Give 10% to my church , then reinvest the rest for retirement life ~ Dan 
Reinvested back into other cashflowing assets that would produced more cashflow then pay off my debts and live the life i chose too live ~ Larry
If I had an extra $100,000 I would look the world over until I found someone that could help my husband with his medical problems. Then I would pay all of our debts. I would help a lot of people who are in need of help. I joined your program recently and look forward to getting enough money to start with my number one priority listed above. ~ Louise 
I would teach my daughters how to invest it to make a living from home and give half of it to each as seed money. My daughters have serious health problems and to does my grandson. I would ask them to share the information with their friends and relatives who are interested in doing the same. ~ Gerry
I would donate it to the Anne Arundel Medical Center for cancer research and treatment. ~ Jeff 
Pay off debt and then re-invest the rest for retirement. ~ Brian 
I would pay all my bills and my kids bills. Buy a house, take my kids and grand kids to Disney World and some other Theme Parks in Orlando. I would build some homeless shelters for families all over the United States. I would donate money to our Vets every month I would donate to the research hospitals for our Children. I would also donate to the animal shelters each month ~ Christine 
Buy my parents a condo and start my son's college fund ~ jack
I would revisit all the countries in which I lived and worked during my international employment ~ tony 
I would help my elderly mother who is ill, and I would use the money to buy a home ~ Sara 
I WOULD TAKE THAT 100,000 and invest it and make it 1, 000,000 ~ Jerry
I would reinvest the majority of it, place some in a 401K, and help take care of my family. ~ Kurt
I'd live in Airbnb buy an airstream static and a small boat and read, learn stuff to help my self and share with other like minded peeps ~ Neil 
I would buy a ski boat and 2 jet skis. I am 64 years old and my real love is water. playing in it, Looking at it, swimming. i guess my motto should be just add water!!! I have had boats etc. most of my life but not for more than 10 years now. This WOULD MAKE WHATEVER TIME I HAVE LEFT SO MUCH MORE OF A PLEASURE AND FUN. SO COUNT ME IN ON YOUR WEBINAR, PLEASE. ~ Daryl 
Afford stem cell injections on my deformed left hi...donate money to the poor, and sponsor a few children in poor countries. I also would like to pay off one of my three home mortgages , My third mortgage is $124,000 , that way I will not lose my home and I will be able to handle the remaining two monthly loan payments (1st and 2nd ) of $2, 100.00 monthly payments ( my primary and second mortgages)...the third mortgage is the one that is killing me, monthly, ar this time. My savings have dwindled down drastically....i need to make money and will try to do so if given the opportunity. ~ Maria 
Keep investing for retirement . To include a purchase of my first home. ~ David 
Tithe. Give. Secure my children's education. Buy a condo. Travel. ~ Elaine 
I would share it out amongst my family. I would share with the how I managed to make that kind of money, so they too can learn and be educated in making these kinds of returns. I would share the love - because helping them out, shows them how much they mean to me. ~ David

“Create a non-medical senior care business…” 


“Send my daughter to college… something I was unable to do…”


“Use 50 thousand to pay off my wife and my debt and invest the other 50 thousand”


“pay off student loans! give to Church! fund grandkid's college! relax, enjoy life…”


“...I would have my 51 Ford pickup truck overhauled by Chip Foose from the cable TV show Overhauled…”


“Send my beautiful daughter to dance school. When I asked her what she'd do with $100,000 she said give it all to you mum so you didn't have to work so hard.....she made me cry!!

And here’s the shocking video I promised before… 

It involved one of you… a bathtub… and a crazy story about spending the money on “Bikes, bo%bs, and boats!” 


Absolutely amazing, aren't they?

With all the dream scenarios you're writing in with, we could go on and on and on for pages.

But time's running short…

And the Silicon Valley 10x Loophole webinar is right around the corner

This Thursday, 1pm Eastern!

Mark your calendar.

Cancel your appointments.

You don't want to miss this!

Jennifer Miller,
Your Host For The Silicon Valley 10x Loophole webinar

P.S. Many of you are asking if there will be a replay of this free webinar...

The answer is yes… with a big explanation.

Let me explain.

YES we are planning on replaying the webinar. So if you miss what James will have to say at 1pm, you WILL be able to watch the rebroadcast.


James is only willing to make his guarantee to the first 2,000 people who respond to the webinar on Thursday.

Considering that more than 1,000 people are signing up for this webinar each and every day… and considering that we're planning on having 10-20 times that amount by the time we go live…

There's a very real chance that if you wait to watch this event, you may be locked out of James' bold guarantee Thursday. Someone else may have already claimed your spot in James' strategy.

I'm not saying that to be pushy. But a fact's a fact.

Please do everything you can to attend when we "go live" at 1pm, Eastern.

I'll send you a link when it's time!

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