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Daily Sneak Peek

The "Silicon Valley Loophole" Webinar
Day #2: True Story! I Turned $2k Into $10 Million!

James AltucherI’ve never done this before. But I’m excited you are choosing to be part of this...

For years, people have asked me, “James, how do I get started in choosing my way to wealth?”

And on June 8th at 1pm ET, I will show you my number one way to do exactly that…

It’s all based on one simple approach I like to describe as the "Silicon Valley Loophole."

This is something I’ve personally used to go from having almost zero in my bank account (and being totally desperate) to making $80,000 a month on average – and completely changing my life. 

In fact, by now I’ve probably made about $15 million with this “backdoor” approach altogether. 

See, a lot of people know me as an author.

I’ve sold hundreds of thousands of my books around the world… 

But I’ve also discovered a few remarkable ways to discover the hottest investments – and more than that – when to get into them for pretty big gains…

Here’s a snapshot of the investments I’ve recommended over the years and how they’ve performed last I checked…

328% gain on Altria (MO)
203% gain on American States Water (AWR)
693% gain on Apple (AAPL)
468% gain on Autoliv (ALV)
133% gain on Barnes Group (B)
337% gain on Brookfield Asset Management (BAM)
700% gain on Cigna (CI)
261% gain on Copart (CPRT)
445% gain on Cynosure (CYNO)
341% gain on Disney (DIS)
381% gain on Equifax (EFX)
346% gain on Google (GOOG)
202% gain on Grainger (GWW)
598% gain on Herbalife (HLF)
177% gain on Hershey (HSY)
411% gain on Indexx Labs (IDXX)
1,579% gain on Iridex (IRIX)
263% gain on iRobot (IRBT)
146% gain on Johnson Controls (JCI)
246% gain on JM Sucker (SJM)
603% gain on Las Vegas Sands (LVS)
174% gain on Luxottica (LUX)
218% gain on Markel (MKL)
162% gain on Pentair (PNR)
251% gain on ResMed (RMD)
360% gain on Taser International (TASR)
149% gain on Tiffany (TIF)
338% gain on Universal Electronics (UEIC)
348% gain on Vascular Solutions (VASC)
146% gain on VMWare (VMW)
1,078% gain on Green Mountain Coffee Roasters (GMCR) 

These huge gains are changing people's lives, too.

There’s a guy I showed this secret to named Steve H., who lives in Florida…

Steve made $15,235 using this in 3 months.

Then there’s Richard L., from Michigan, who nearly tripled his money in under a year. 

In fact, I’ve got a whole pile of notes from people whose live have changed because of the secret I’ll share with you… (CONTINUED BELOW)

The Power of the "Silicon Valley 10x Loophole"

Here’s what your fellow readers are saying they’d do with an extra $100,000… 

Click Play To Launch Video

(Click Play To Launch Video)

“Pay Tuition For My Kids” 
Reader from Coral Gables

“I would invest in a social business”
Reader from Cebu

“I would buy some land and build a cabin in the mountains!” 
Reader from St. Peters

“I would pay off my IRS debt. I would buy a small house. I would donate to my favorite charity. And give a nice gift of money to each niece, great niece and great nephew.” 
Reader from Palm Desert

And here's the exciting part...

You do NOT need to be an accredited investor or have personal connections to use "the Silicon Valley loophole" that I'll show you.

You do NOT need a lot of money to start, either (remember, I was down to just $2,000 when I discovered this secret.)

All you really need are the details on what I'm calling "the Silicon Valley loophole."

Let me show you how it works...

Your Backdoor Inside the Hottest Ideas 

In short, what I've discovered is that for the top startup ideas – the breakthrough ideas that revolutionize society – there's almost ALWAYS a "backdoor" in the market.

A backdoor that allows you to invest in that same idea on your own, online... no matter what your wealth, income or experience... and without setting foot in Silicon Valley.

And of course, with the same potential for huge gains.

Keep in mind this approach is so unusual I can tell you I've been approached about it by thousands of hedge funds... Wall Street bankers... and entrepreneurs...

What I discovered is almost like a way of "sneaking into" these kinds of investment opportunities...

Without having to be rich...

And without having to have connections. Here's an example of what I mean...

Imagine if there was a startup that could revolutionize the American coffee industry... 

Considering that Americans drink more than 400 million cups of coffee every single day...

Well – a breakthrough idea in that space would definitely be among one of the best ideas to invest in right now, right?

And that's probably why there are 979 different startups right now who are trying to change the way we drink coffee.

Which of those startups will be successful? Honestly, I don't know and I don't care.

Because back in 2008, I found a secret way to play that exact same idea – the coffee industry – without touching Silicon Valley at all.

It was just a simple investment anyone could have made from a home computer...

It went up 1,078%, enough to make you over 10 times your money. 
And I've done it over and over...

For example, I did it in the banking industry...

There's a startup called Lufax, which has developed a new way of doing "personal lending" online... one of the top game-changing ideas right now. 
And get this...

If you were lucky enough to have millions to invest, and be privy to the information, then a private investment could have made you a fortune. 
More than 10x your money.

But again... unless you were a millionaire in Silicon Valley – you never even got a chance to buy in, right?

Well... once again, it doesn't matter.

Because here, too, there was a "backdoor" way to play a similar idea, no matter what your wealth or experience, which you can invest in from any home computer.

And here's the interesting part...

Instead of the required $25,000 minimum to buy a stake in Lufax if you were a venture capitalist...

The "backdoor" investment I found was just one dollar. That's it. ONE DOLLAR.

Watch what happened next...

This investment went on to make a 1,164% gain...

In other words: You could have made 12 times your money on one of the top ideas in Silicon Valley – no matter who you are or how much money you have in the bank.

All online.

And all starting with just one dollar!

Are you starting to see how powerful this "Loophole" can be? And when you join me on the 8th of June for the webinar...

I'm willing to guarantee that if you follow what I'll show you...

You will see how to make 1,000% returns on your money before the end of 2017. 

Just so we're clear:

That means if you wants to invest and is starting with $1,000...

You'll have a real chance to make $10,000 using the secret you'll see on the webinar.

If you start with more, say $10,000... you could expect to have a chance at $100,000.

And on and on...

So mark your calendar.

June 8th. 1pm.

That's When I'll Show You Everything. 

But maybe you're wondering...

If this is so great, why not just keep it to myself? Why share with you at all?

Watch your email box... and I'll tell you tomorrow.


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