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Daily Sneak Peek

The "Silicon Valley Loophole" Webinar
Day #1: Making it on Wall Street: My Story

"Take $30 million and invest it in hedge funds," he told me.

So I did.

I got myself an office on Fifth Avenue in New York City. Right next to 666 Fifth Avenue, the Devil's building, where some of the biggest hedge funds in the world have their offices.

And then over the next three months I did due diligence on close to a thousand hedge funds and probably met face to face with over 100 of them, including some of the most well known funds in the world.

I raised some money and started an official "fund of hedge funds." I was in business. After many years as a trader, I was now taking money from other people to invest in other hedge funds.

I looked at every possible strategy I could. I even visited funds investing in art and wine. I looked at activist funds, microcap funds, quant funds, convert arbitrage funds, mega-billion dollar multi-strategy funds, merger arbitrage funds, bond funds, funds that invested in credit card debt, funds that loaned money against class action lawsuits, funds that financed shipments to Walmart (Walmart would promise to pay on delivery, but someone had to loan money to get the product delivered, usually at a high interest rate). I looked into financing pawn shops.

I looked at 100s of traders using every trading strategy. I also looked at many funds that I thought were doing illegal activity, although it's never as easy as it seems to be sure. In many cases I was proven right, but not until many years later.

I then wrote books about everything I learned.

Of course I held some back too. I was still trading actively and I wanted to make sure I was first in line to invest in the best funds. I couldn't share my best secrets while running a hedge fund.

I did this for many years. I kept learning. I kept making connections. And then my connections went on to start new funds, work at new banks, trade bigger and bigger amounts of money, and so on.

I called one of those connections a month or so ago. He now manages almost $100 billion worth of investments for one of the biggest banks in the world.

I asked him, "What is the main thing Wall Street is scared about?"

He said, "This is the first time we've seen anything like this, but this is the biggest fear on Wall Street." And he told me what it was.

I thought to myself: Hmm, this is a good idea for a newsletter. I should share this.

You see, he was too big to solve the problem. When you have $100,000,000,000 all you can do is sit and wait for the worst.

But when you are smaller you can be nimble and solve the problem. I told him that and we brainstormed on a solution.

"You're right," he said, which is always nice to hear.

It isn't complicated. It's simple really. But it's not something that most investors are doing, either because they don't know about it, don't understand it, or don't want to try something new.

But it's a strategy that I've been following for years and I know it works. It's a strategy that I'm opening up to you on June 8th at 1pm.

I called another friend of mine yesterday. He used to invest in my fund which made him some money. Now he runs one of the most prominent funds of hedge funds.

"What are the main hedge funds worried about?"

He told me the same thing the other guy told me. "But," he said, "they are all too big to do anything about it."

"When are you coming to visit?" I asked him. I wanted to be friendly and I want to get more information.

"I want some gossip," I said. "Who is the richest guy that Forbes is wrong about?"

"Forbes says George Soros is worth about $10 billion," he said. "Trust me when I say George Soros is worth well over $100 billion."

We spoke for awhile longer. I like hearing all the secrets on the Street.

Then we got off the phone.

Then I wrote this email.

More tomorrow.

Join me,  June 8th at 1pm, Eastern for a FREE hour-long event and you'll discover…

>> How America's "class system" has locked you out of almost all of Silicon Valley's biggest ideas… and how the "Silicon Valley Loophole" allows you to legally "sneak" inside and profit!

>> The true story of how this simple strategy turned a $2,000 investment into an income stream worth an average of $80,000 a month…

>> My top 10 specific ways to use this backdoor… right now… to make up to 10x your money before the end of 2017

This information is EXCLUSIVELY for those who signed-up for this special event.

Again…  Mark your calendar, please.

June 8th. 1pm.

This is a historic event you won't want to miss it.

And, in the meantime, can you do me a favor…

I want to know…

What would you do with 1,000% returns?

For simplicity's sake, let's say you turn $10,000 into $100,000…

What would you do with an extra $100,000?

Write a book…?

Quit your job...?

Live in Airbnbs...?

Whatever it is…

I want you to tell me.

The more details, the better. And don't worry, there's no right answer.


And be sure to watch your email tomorrow for a special email...

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